Current Year: 2089 CE
An eternal winter has fallen over North America. In 2081, Dr. Vincent Gallagher, an American biochemist, went on an excursion to the Arctic and illegally returned with a specimen that is known to produce frost during photosynthesis rather than glucose. An experiment gone wrong led the lab he was working in to explode, killing Dr. Gallagher and releasing the specimen into the atmosphere in the form of a gas. Almost immediately, North America’s climate changed, including a 30 F decrease in surface temperature and heavy snowfall, leading to mass deaths and a population decline of nearly 30% North America began to collapse shortly after, the governments of Canada, Mexico, and the United States were left in turmoil. An oligarchy has been implemented in North America by the United Nations, but corruption and violence continues to run rampant.
As the result of the implementation of an oligarchy per the United Nations, justice and virtue cannot exist under the corrupt rule of the J.U.D.G.E.S. Corruption and violence runs rampant across the USMCA, resulting in the formation of three major factions.
- Tight-knit communities that are not usually welcoming to outsiders. Branches consist of between 30-50 people.- Branches are dispersed throughout North America, but are especially prevalent on the East Coast on the United States- Comprised of normal citizens, but are heavily armed unlike the average citizen.- Allegiance to the Hunter's Association is absolute and membership is for life. Defectors are to be killed.- Chiefs of smaller branches are required to pay debts and summarize six-month periods twice a year at Silas Dunham's home in Little RockGOAL: SURVIVE.
Silas Dunham
Retired United States Marine Corps Colonel
AGE 46
D.O.B. December 23rd
HEIGHT 6'4" (193 cm)
WEIGHT 213 lbs (96.6 kg)
Silas was born and raised in Chicago to a single mother after his father, a lieutenant colonel in the Marines, was killed at the hands of political extremists.Silas enlisted in the USMC shortly after high. During his years of service, he was deployed three times and went on four tours; one ended early after one of his brothers-in-arms stepped on a landmine in front of him, leaving him with PTSD.After the Experiment, Silas retired from the Marines and moved to Little Rock where he established the Hunters Association due to the harsh living conditions.He lives alone in a cabin with a Bernese mountain dog named Badger.
- Agnostic: doesn't believe in a God. Despises Jicozens and Dr. Gallagher.
- Survival of the fittest: though the Association prioritizes survival, Silas doesn't like weak people.
- Pragmatic: facts over feelings.
Hunters Association's sergeant-at-arms
Bellamy Salstrom
Former Atlanta firefighter
AGE 27
D.O.B. April 9th
HEIGHT 6'4.5" (194.3 cm)
WEIGHT 207 lbs (93.9 kg)
Bellamy was born in Miami before his family shortly relocated to Atlanta. He has a twin sister named Hadley, and his parents divorced when he was young, so he lived fulltime with his mother.Bellamy wasn't good in school and constantly got in trouble, causing him to repeat the tenth grade. After graduating, Bellamy signed up at Atlanta's fire department before being employed fulltime at 19.The Experiment made Hadley disappear, which sent him spiraling. Silas found him wandering the streets and took him under his wing, giving him the role of sergeant-at-arms of the Hunters Association.Bellamy lives in the barracks with other members of HA's main branch. His roommate is Caleb.
- Atheist: actively denies the existence of a god; neutral to Jicozens, but hates Dr. Gallagher.
- Family-oriented: Wishes to reunite with Hadley, whether it be in life or death.
- Nihilistic: besides his loyalty to Silas and the Association, he believes that most things are pointless and we do not know anything as humans.
Caleb Zeller
Former lead data analyst
AGE 29
D.O.B. August 13th
HEIGHT 6'4.5" (194.3 cm)
WEIGHT 203 lbs (92.1 kg)
Caleb was raised in Charlotte with a younger brother named Darius and happily married parents. When Caleb was younger, he was in a car accident that left him with a large forehead scar.Caleb's father, a renowned corporate lawyer, pushed Caleb to do his best in school to the point where Caleb became reserved and only focused on school. Due to his constant working, he had no close friends, but managed to snag a full ride to Duke University.Caleb majored in finance and got a job after school as a data analyst, but was quickly promoted to lead analyst after a few years. During the Experiment, Caleb was on a business trip in Little Rock. He wishes to return home to Charlotte, but knows that's unrealistic.Caleb lives in the barracks with Bellamy.
- Agnostic: Was raised in a Christian household, but no longer believes in a god, but will sometimes pray if he's desperate.
- Family isn't just blood: Cares deeply for the people of the Hunters Association. Considers them his extended family.
- Pessimistic: knows that returning home is unrealistic, but can't help but miss his family. Alive or dead, he wants to see them one last time.
Jayson Kim
Former pediatric nurse
AGE 26
D.O.B. January 5th
HEIGHT 6'1" (185.4 cm)
WEIGHT 188 lbs (85.3 kg)
Jayson was raised an only child to Korean immigrants in Queens. Protestant beliefs were instilled onto him at a young age because he attended a Korean Protestant school K-12.Jayson attended New York University with the intention to major in economics, but his father was diagnosed with cancer the spring of his freshman year. He changed his major to nursing.Jayson's affinity for goodness and innocence led him to become a pediatric nurse after graduating college. His father died shortly after he graduated.He ended up in Little Rock because large numbers of healthcare workers were sent to St. Louis after the Experiment, the location of Dr. Gallagher's lab. He ended up migrating up to Little Rock to look to aid more people.Jayson lives in a cabin attached to the infirmary. He lives alone.
- Protestant: attended a Korean Protestant school throughout his childhood. Hasn't really bothered to stray from the beliefs, but isn't a strict Protestant.
- People are inherently good: Optimistic to a fault. Believes people are inherently good until he is wronged, even if it puts his life at risk.
- Humanistic: open to those who aren't part of the Association, even Abandoned.
- Those who have turned their back on North America and seek vengeance for those who have wronged them.- Similarly to the Abandoned, most have bounties on their heads. The Judges have deemed them criminals are are to be killed on sight.- Live heavily secluded lives and don't tend to leave their homes alone. Tend to live in the mountains or in the snow.- Consider themselves vigilantes. Thinks what they are doing is right and don't consider themselves "bad people."- Normal humans. Do not care for Abandoned or Jicozens; believe them to be abominations of the Judges and Gallagher.GOAL: KILL THOSE LOYAL TO THE JUDGES AND DISMANTLE THE SYSTEM.
Leonora Daniels
AGE 31
D.O.B. May 7th
HEIGHT 5'8" (172.7 cm)
WEIGHT 158 lbs (71.7 kg)
Leonora was born and raised in Los Angeles to an American father and a Syrian mother. She was born the oldest of three kids with two younger brothers. As the eldest daughter, she took on another maternal role and helped raised her brothers while her parents worked.Her family was never extremely wealthy, so Leonora developed a strong sense of independence and self-reliance at a young age. But because her brothers were so dependent on her, she ended up never graduating high school. Once her brothers did, she went back at got her GED.At 21, Leonora realized how much of her life had been wasted on being selfless for her family, so she ran away and never saw her parents or brother again. She met Halloran, who also was unhappy with his life, and they defected from society after the Experiment, ending up on the East Coast of the United States.
Reasons for Defiance
Mistreatment: Believed she wasted away her life for a family that wasn't that grateful for what she did for them.
AGE 33
D.O.B. June 19th
HEIGHT 6'1" (185.4 cm)
WEIGHT 195 lbs (88.5 kg)
Halloran never knew his parents. He was raised in an orphanage up until he was 16 and ran away. He met Leonora at 23, who was also a runaway, and they ended up skipping town together and have been inseparable since.After the Experiment, Leonora and Halloran defected from society and went rogue, ending up in the mountains on the East Coast of the US.
Reasons for Defiance
Unhappiness with world: Never lived a truly stable life before the Experiment. Found meaning for life with the Vanguards.Inability to integrate: After running away with Leonora, he could never truly integrate with "normal" people. He always stuck out like a sore thumb.???: Halloran has a dark, convoluted history that he tends to keep secret from everybody else. It's common knowledge that he was orphaned, but when recalling the years before he met Leonora, he is often inconsistent.
Carlo Janssen
AGE mid-30s
D.O.B. ???
HEIGHT 6'10" (208.3 cm)
WEIGHT 244 lbs (110.7 kg)
Not much is known about Carlo’s backstory. He doesn’t speak much, let alone talk about himself. He has a Dutch accent when he speaks, so it is assumed he is from the Netherlands.Carlo is not his real name. Leonora gave it to him because she was tired of snapping to get his attention. She found the name Carlo in a thesaurus for Dutch names. Janssen is his assumed real family name because he has a patch on one of his jackets with that name.
Reasons for Defiance
Social ostracization: Was always stared out and pushed to the outskirts of society because of his large stature and imposing personality. Even before the Experiment, he didn't speak much.Unresolved trauma: Because he's not from the United States, he was treated poorly by Americans he encountered. Coupled with his strange and personality, he never harbored a preference for people.Antisocial: extremely morally grey.
Kiaan Maharaj
AGE 30
D.O.B. November 1st
HEIGHT 6'2" (188 cm)
WEIGHT 197 lbs (89.4 kg)
Kiaan was born in New Jersey to Indian immigrants. The first-born son, Kiaan was always at his father’s throat, which led him to build up the walls around him. He didn’t do the best in school either, which led his relationship with his dad to grow icy.His father died while he was in middle school from a heart attack and his mother was the first to blame him. Kiaan ended up spiraling and ran with the wrong crowd throughout high school. He ended up barely graduating.Kiaan shot his first gun at a shooting range when he was 15, and he believed he found his calling. After the Experiment, he used his knowledge of firearms to his advantage and was made the Vanguards’ sniper with no hesitation
Reasons for Defiance
Unhappiness with his life: Never got along with his family. Saw the Experiment as both a blessing and a curse, for he would never have to see them again.Social ostracization: Was always a social outcast.
- People with supernatural abilities born from Gallagher's explosion- The Abandoned are second-class citizens and experience discrimination at the hands of regular citizens. Survival is difficult enough as it is, but being an Abandoned makes it much more difficult- Abilities include photokinesis, energy manipulation, snow/ice manipulation, superhuman strength, shapeshifting, etc. Some have completely nonhuman bodies (like Mishou)- Most Abandoned have bounties on their head; if they do not, they are often employed with the SIUGOAL: ???
AGE ???
D.O.B. ???
HEIGHT 8'+ (243.8 cm)
Not much can be said about Mishou’s history. It is unknown whether he was previously human or if he was born from the initial explosion, but because of humanlike features (bipedal, humanoid figure), it is suspected that he was human before.Mishou’s tentacle-like projections can be controlled by him and he can choose to hide them or keep them present. He can have as many as 30 present at a time or little as none. Their length/width is determined by him and he can change them as he pleases.He has the ability to manipulate the energy around him (he can turn energy into a tangible thing and manipulate it to his will). This gives him the ability to interfere with radio signals, move things around from a distance, and create/shape energy at his will.
Should be considered very dangerous. DO NOT APPROACH. |
- Followers referred to as Jicozens- Religious movement that believe Dr. Gallagher’s experiment was a sign from God and see Dr. Gallagher as their Messiah- Led by oracles who preach Dr. Gallagher’s research and published papers as Scripture- Believes the Permafreeze is the modern day rendition of “Noah’s Ark” and they have a duty to save those deemed worthy by God and Dr. Gallagher- Especially fascinated with the Abandoned and believe them to be prophetsGOAL: Spreading the word of Dr. Gallagher and converting non-believers to Jicozenium
JUrisprudence of Diligent Governance and Ethical Statehood, or simply the Judges, is the overruling oligarchy of North America. Each country offers up two Judges, with a total of six. The Chief Justice position belongs solely to the United States and is reserved for the eldest member on the bench. The Judges’ headquarters is located in Washington DC. The current Chief Justice is Marco Fowler.The Judges oversee The Camarilla based in Mexico City, similarly to the presidential duty of commander-in-chief.The Judges hold virtually all legal rights- all judicial, executive, and legislative power. They are the commanding power of North America, responsible for the creation of laws, and the final set of ears in the judicial system.The system is heavily corrupted since the power is only held by six people, so they tend to act in their own self-interest. This has led to the formation of four major factions across North America
Marco Fowler
Former corporate lawyer
AGE 48
D.O.B. June 27th
HEIGHT 6'3 (190.5 cm)
WEIGHT 198 lbs (89.8 kg)
Marco was raised in Pennsylvania to a single father after his mother left him for a wealthier man. His father was blue-collared and worked as a coal miner, and often worked late hours to raise Marco; Marco was never necessarily close with his father, but he heard enough to know he hated his mother.His father was diagnosed with COPD when Marco was 14 and died shortly after. Marco ended up being forcefully moved to New York by the courts to live with his mother and step-father. He was incredibly bitter towards them and was sent to military school after only a couple months. He’d never see them again.Marco enlisted in the Marine Corps since he didn’t graduate high school. He served until he was honorably discharged after 15 years for breaking his right leg nearly beyond repair. During his time in the military, he had affairs with multiple different women.He attended Georgetown University and obtained a degree in business; he would go on to attend law school at UPENN and work on Capitol Hill. He worked for the Secretary of Defense at the time of the Experiment, which is what led him to be established as the Chief Justice upon the implementation of the oligarchy.
The Camarilla is North America's military based in Mexico City, which employs 2.5 million North Americans. It is under the rule of the Judges, who work out of Washington DC.The Camarilla is divided into four branches:
- Fuerza Especial Conjunta: Mexico's main branch, which employs mostly Mexican soldiers. The FEC is overseen by General Enrique Sandoval. It is also the largest branch amongst the four.-United States Marine Corps: The United States' main branch, which employs mostly American soldiers. The USMC is overseen by Commandant General Hassan Redouane.-Imperial Army: Canada's main branch, which employs mostly Canadian soldiers. The Imperial Army is overseen by General Joshua Yates.-Specialized Intelligence Unit: Comprised of the elite soldiers of the other three branches of the Camarilla. For protection purposes, the overseer is not a name known to the public. The SIU employs only around 100 soldiers, but also employs a select number of captured Abandoned if they respond positively to brainwashing.
United States
Cause of the Experiment
Dr. Vincent Gallagher
Doctor of biochemistry and former molecular biologist
AGE 34
D.O.B. August 17th
HEIGHT 6'4" (193.04 cm)
WEIGHT 201 lbs (91.2 kg)
From a young age, Vincent was always incredibly bright. His parents were both college professors at Ivy League universities, both working in physics and quantum mechanics.Education was always instilled into Vincent as the most important part of his life and it was often prioritized by his parents at the extent of his own well-being.It was always suspected that Vincent was on the spectrum, but his parents refused to allow their child to be labeled as such, so they never got him tested. He would spend hours in his room, pouring himself over his parents’ research and collegiate-leved textbooks. He would graduate high school at 14 with an associate’s degree in chemistry.Vincent attended undegraduate at Johns Hopkins before going to MIT for grad school. He double majored in biochemistry and molecular biology, and got his doctorate in biochemistry.He established himself in St. Louis after he was offered the position of head molecular biologist at GenoVentures.
Thiago Camacho
Former criminal defense attorney
AGE 39
D.O.B. October 16th
HEIGHT 6'1 (185.4 cm)
WEIGHT 187 lbs (84.8 kg)
Thiago was raised in Tijuana to his parents and an older sister. His parents ran a restaurant that attracted mostly American tourists, and because they employed him there, he was able to learn English quickly. He always had greater aspirations than staying in TJ, so Thiago spent most of his paychecks on history and law books.Because of his good grades and extracurriculars, Thiago managed to score a full-ride scholarship to the University of Southern California where he double-majored in history and political science. He attended Stanford for law school, but only after a gap year where his sister Ines back home in Mexico got pregnant and needed financial assistance with raising the kid.After graduating from USC, he moved to Mexico City and became a well-known criminal defense attorney. Subsequent to the Experiment and the implementation of the oligarchy, Thiago was named as the lead Judge of Mexico, with his associate Judge being Nicolas Fuentes.